Lose the Tape Measure

Do you pull out a mental tape measure and compare people with each other? Who’s taller? Who’s shorter? Fatter? Skinnier? Prettier? More handsome? Who’s faster? Who’s stronger? There are so many ways that people are different, and so many things that you could measure and compare.
Then you try to measure yourself by comparing yourself with others. “Are they smarter than me?” “Are they better looking than I am?” “Do people like them more than they like me?” Comparing isn’t a good idea. It can really be a bummer and make you pretty miserable about yourself and about the way I made you.
I think you’re great! There’s nothing I want to change about you. Sure you’ll change a little throughout your life, but I’m not looking at you thinking, “Oh, I should have made your hair a different color or your face a different shape.” Not at all!
I don’t want you to measure yourself against others either. I want you to learn to be happy with the way you are. When you stop comparing yourself to other people, you’ll have a chance to discover what’s cool and special about yourself.


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