The marriage triangle

Marriage is the joining of hearts, that two may become one. It’s a wonderful thing with wonderful rewards for those who are willing to make the necessary sacrifices—and there are some sacrifices involved. To become one, each partner must be willing to give and change. The man must give of himself to become all that his wife needs him to be, and the woman must give of herself to become everything that her husband needs her to be. That’s the kind of self-sacrificial love that the strongest, happiest marriages are built on. Where do you get such love? Only from Me.
Picture your marriage as a triangle, with the two of you at the bottom two corners and Me at the top. As you both climb the sides of the triangle to come closer to Me, the source of love, you are also drawn closer together. The way to greater love and greater closeness with each other is to climb closer to Me.
The closer you both come to Me, the more love you will have to share with others. And the more love you share, the closer others will be drawn to both you and Me. It will start with those nearest and dearest to you—your children and other family members—and grow from there. As I said, marriage is a wonderful thing with wonderful rewards—so wonderful, in fact, that the sacrifices cease to be sacrifices.

Te comprendo cabalmente

Estoy tan enamorado de ti que Mi vista no capta ninguno de tus fallos e imperfecciones. El amor me ciega y me hace ver más allá de tus faltas y equivocaciones. Es un amor que solo ve lo bueno y las posibilidades que los demás no alcanzan a distinguir.
No te vigilo garrote en mano listo para atizarte al más mínimo error. No estoy a la espera de que tropieces y caigas para meterte otra vez en vereda de un estacazo. ¿Cómo iba a hacer eso? Yo también me he encontrado en tu lugar. Yo también adopté el manto de carne humana a fin de llegar a conocerte y a comprenderte cabalmente. Conozco las contrariedades que experimentas, cada uno de tus anhelos, la insuficiencia de la carne humana y hasta tus pecados ocultos. Me identifico con tu humanidad. Por ello he prometido que tendré misericordia de ti. Mis pensamientos para contigo son de paz, perdón, paciencia y compasión.

L’effet de la prière

Prier n’est pas le moins que l’on puisse faire, c’est le plus que l’on puisse faire. Réfléchis un instant : si prier est le plus que l’on puisse faire, pourquoi ne pries-tu pas davantage ?
La prière est puissante, et si tu désires Ma puissance, tu dois prier. Qu’est-ce que la prière ? C’est ton lien avec le divin. C’est communiquer. C’est se brancher sur la Source. C’est l’accomplissement du plus grand devoir de l’homme. La prière est sérénité, foi, confiance absolue.
La prière fait descendre sur toi Ma paix. La prière engendre l’action. Elle t’élève. La prière change le cours de l’histoire. La prière guérit. Elle fait revivre. Elle restaure. Elle construit. La prière est humilité. La prière, c’est Mon amour. La prière Me touche et Me pousse à agir. La prière obtient des résultats. La prière est le salut de l’humanité.
Mais, par-dessus tout, la prière nous unit, toi et Moi. La prière nous fait devenir un pour que tu puisses te revêtir de Mes pouvoirs.

Invest in the best

Some of you kindhearted souls are quick to jump in and help whenever you see someone in need. Being caring and compassionate are wonderful qualities, but it’s also important to be realistic. Don’t overextend yourself to the neglect of your primary responsibilities or to the point of feeling overwhelmed and giving up. You can avoid this pitfall by being careful and prayerful about what you commit to do for others.
Your time and resources are limited, so you need to invest them wisely. When you see a needy situation that could turn out to be a costly or long-term project, consult with Me and get My perspective before you commit yourself to helping. You need My help to see things in the proper perspective, because if you don’t, you won’t be as effective as you could be. You might get deeply immersed in one project, only to find that there is a needier situation just around the corner. Or if you try to “run on empty,” you won’t get far or be much help to anyone.
Keep in mind, too, that sometimes when someone is struggling, while there may be something you could do to help, I might know that it’s actually better for the person to work through the problem with only Me to lean on. Or I may know that someone else is in a better position to help that person than you. This is sometimes hard to accept, but in some situations the best thing to do is to step back—to pray for the one who is struggling but not to get involved beyond that.
Recognizing a need is only an indication of what I might want you to do. Check with Me before getting involved, because I may have a better plan.

Love’s reward

If you feel you’re imposing on loved ones and friends by asking for their help when you’re sick, you need to try to see the situation as I do. Yes, it’s usually a sacrifice and means extra work for them, but the potential blessings far outweigh the burdens.
When others come to your aid, it brings out the best in them. It gives them a chance to be self-sacrificial, tender, compassionate, patient, and cheerful, and that puts them in line to receive the spiritual blessings that follow as surely as day follows night.
This is all part of My wonderful plan, the plan of upgrading all of your spirits by giving you special opportunities to give and receive love. Both bring you closer to Me, because I am love. Whenever there is a love exchange, My presence becomes more palpable, and that puts everything else into perspective.
And just as the extra time you spend praying, communing with Me, and tanking up on My Word strengthens your faith and deepens your connection with Me, the time they spend praying and claiming My promises for you will strengthen their faith and relationship with Me. It also strengthens the bond of love between you.
When the days are weary and the nights long, I will be as close to them as I am to you. Moment by moment and task by task, I will be there to lighten their load, lift their spirits above the circumstances, fill their hearts with perfect peace, and give them the strength and grace to keep being My blessing to you.