Convey faith, not overload

Many responsibilities and a heavy workload can seem overwhelming. The natural tendency is to work harder and faster to try to keep up, but when that happens, your busy spirit comes to the fore and blocks My Spirit of love, peace, and faith from coming through. That overburdened spirit is wearing on you, and wearing on those around you.
This is what happened to Martha—the sister of Mary and Lazarus—during My earthly ministry. Martha tried to be the perfect hostess to Me and nearly folded under the self-imposed pressure. Meanwhile, Mary just enjoyed being around Me, listening to and learning from Me. I appreciated Martha’s love and concern, but Mary was actually easier to be around. Martha was always so concerned with making everything perfect that she would get frustrated with others when it seemed they weren’t showing the same concern (Luke 10:38–42).
When you fret and worry and show yourself to be under pressure, you don’t convey faith and trust to others; you convey pressure and concern and overload. No one needs that!
Others may appreciate all you’re trying to do—often things that will benefit them—but usually they would rather see you happy and relaxed, trusting that everything is under My perfect control. So would I!


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