Be happy!

The joy of the Lord is your strength! It is My will that you find great joy and great pleasure in serving Me and loving Me. It makes Me happy when I see you enjoying yourself, when I see you happy and laughing. I love to see you laugh. I love to see you happy. So be happy and enjoy yourself and enjoy life. Enjoy your meals, enjoy your house, enjoy your recreation, enjoy your work, enjoy your times together. For in enjoying these, you are enjoying Me. I love to see you happy. So be happy. Don't be afraid to laugh and enjoy yourself.

Como el oro en el horno

Puede que al presente no entiendas algunas cosas, porque aún no ha llegado el momento de que te revele del todo Mi plan, Mi propósito. Pese a que no lo entiendas todo, cree y confía. Mis caminos no son Tus caminos. No se puede conocer la mente de Dios esforzándose por entender y analizarlo todo con mentalidad carnal. Yo revelaré Mis pensamientos y Mis caminos mediante el poder de Mi Espíritu a quienes se muestren receptivos y sumisos, a quienes crean, acepten y aprecien Mi voz con fe y amor.
Te prometo que si sigues adelante por fe —aunque ni siquiera sepas a ciencia cierta si tendrás fuerzas para aguantar— no fracasarás. Así como el oro se purifica en el horno del refinador, los que pasan por la llama ardiente de las pruebas saldrán cual oro puro. Te pongo a prueba a fin de eliminar todas las impurezas. Por tanto, no tengas miedo de las pruebas. Te las mando porque te amo, para purificarte, en respuesta a tus oraciones.

Les intentions du cœur

Je suis le Créateur de toutes choses et c’est le cœur de l’homme que Je juge. Je connais son cœur et tout ce qui s’y trouve : voilà pourquoi Mon jugement est juste et vrai. Au jour du Jugement, quand vous comparaîtrez devant Moi et que votre vie sera passée en revue, ce seront les actes et les intentions de votre cœur qui compteront pour Moi. Par conséquent, Mon jugement est équitable. Car Je connais le cœur de l’homme et rien ne M’est caché.
Quand tu cherches à faire quelque chose, sache que Je perçois et que Je comprends tes pensées intimes et tes intentions profondes. Alors, dans tout ce que tu fais, sois motivé par l’amour — l’amour qui vient de Moi, l’amour pour les autres et l’amour pour Moi.

Loving thoughts

When others fail you or make seeming mistakes, instead of blowing up in anger and frustration, say, "I pray for these and I love these. I want to help them and make it easy for them." Think thoughts of love toward those who frustrate you. Pray for them.
As you think these thoughts of love and pray these prayers of love, so will the love in your heart be able to permeate your spirit and overcome the pride and selfishness.

All is forgiven

If you were to stand before Me now, you would be so engulfed and overwhelmed by My love, that all the hurts and the pain and the misunderstandings of the past and the present would completely vanish. So great is My love for you that there is no room for sorrow or condemnation. If you were standing before Me, you would feel only total acceptance and total love, because you would know that all is forgiven. There is no fear with Me. I wash away all fear, and there is no fear in My love.
Even though you are still in human flesh, trust that My love for you is no less than when you shall arrive Here and stand before Me. I am no less distant now, and you are every bit as much in My presence. You are just as much forgiven and there is nothing held against you. You are My dear one, My beloved.

Open your heart

Receive My gift of love for others. How do you receive it?—Just as you would receive any gift from Me. You ask, you accept, and you believe. How do you enact it?—One step at a time in one deed of love followed by another, followed by another.
Receive My anointing and enact it day by day, step by step, deed by deed, word by word, action by action, love by love. As you put forth an effort to give and to share and to love, I will match you abundantly, and I will pour into you a greater love, a new love, and a strengthening love.
Therefore be not afraid, just receive. Open your heart and say, "Yes!" Open your heart and say, "I want it!" Open your heart and receive, and it will bring forth fruit in your life, in the lives of those about you, and in the lives of those you see and touch.

I am love

In times of darkness, I will be your light. In times of sadness, I will be your joy. In times of struggle, I will be your deliverance. In times of weakness, I will be your strength. In times of question, I will be your answer. In times of doubt, I will be faith unto you.—And more important than any of this, I am love to you. I love you and I forgive you.
So do not be discouraged or disheartened. Do not look back. Do not be remorseful over the mistakes and sins of the past, for the past is the past. I have covered those mistakes and sins, and that which was scarlet shall be made white as snow. As far as the east is from the west, so far have I removed your sins from you.
In the very moment that you seek My forgiveness, in the very instant that you call out to Me, I immediately grant My forgiveness, and there is no more need to worry or fear or carry the burden yourself.

Greater than the ocean

My eye has been upon you since before you were formed in the womb. I have been with you every step of the way. I have watched you. I have loved you. I have cared for you. You have never been out of My sight.
How I long to pour My love upon you! How I long to draw you to My bosom! If you will take time with Me in prayer, and listen to My voice in your heart and through My Word, I will show you My great, great love for you—love which is greater than the ocean, which stretches further than the horizon, which the whole universe with all its stars and galaxies cannot contain, which reaches out of understanding into infinity and eternity.

Mantenha contato

Ore, ore e ore de novo, pois é algo que adoro, preciso, quero e no qual Me regozijo. Adoro estar em comunicação íntima, para podermos estar unidos. Todas as suas orações são importantes. Ainda que algumas tenham propósitos diferentes, todas são importantes, portanto ore.
Quero estar em constante comunicação. Use todos os meios, todas as maneiras possíveis e deixe-Me derramar sobre você da Minha abundância espiritual. Tudo o que é Meu é seu. Basta apenas pedir e receberá de uma fonte inesgotável. Por que contentar-se com o humano se pode ter o divino? Receba o Meu poder! Está aqui, pronto e à sua espera.

Um tempo para cada coisa

Há muitas maneiras de orar. Há momentos para derramar o coração em prantos, buscando-Me em orações fervorosas. Há outros para sentar-se tranqüila e serenamente, buscando-Me em humildade, fazendo suas petições com calma, sussurrando aos Meus ouvidos os seus pedidos e me dizendo o que precisa.
Há momentos quando se ora fazendo outras coisas, fazendo em seu coração pedidos silenciosos, e há horas em que se deve parar, deixar tudo de lado e Me buscar com forte clamor. Tudo isto é importante e tem a sua hora e o seu propósito.
Não é a posição do corpo que conta, mas sim a posição do coração. Demore em oração quando necessário; seja rápido quando o tempo for pouco. Há uma hora para orar rapidamente e uma hora para ser mais demorado, e você precisa aprender a usar as duas coisas de acordo com a necessidade — mas ore! Dependa da oração. Viva de acordo com as suas orações. Não se canse de orar.

Sonhos desmanchados

Há tantas coisas que podem dar errado nesta vida — tantos sonhos desfeitos, tantas perspectivas que não se concretizam, muitas coisas que simplesmente não acontecem da maneira que você tanto queria. E apesar de todos os sonhos desfeitos, das perspectivas que não se concretizam e do que não acontece da forma que esperava, estou aí com você. Tenho nas mãos maiores sonhos do que jamais imaginou, perspectivas mais deslumbrantes do que já teve e maiores coisas do que jamais esperou. Seu coração nunca imaginou as coisas fantásticas que tenho reservadas para os que Me amam, para os que perseveram.

Tell Me About It

Do you need someone to understand you, someone who really knows what you’re going through? Well, I know more about what you’re going through than you do.-Honest!
I know every thought that has ever come into your mind. But even though I know your every thought, you still need to get it out. It’ll help you feel better, and help you to see things more clearly. Go ahead and tell Me what’s on your mind. I promise to understand. I’ll listen, and I’ll also tell you things that’ll help.
I love talking with you. You can tell Me anything you want. I’m your friend, and I like to know everything about you-what makes you happy, what bugs you, your hopes, your dreams, your worries-everything. I think you’re interesting.

Stretch Yourself

Life is all about learning! I could have created you perfect and already knowing all there is to know. But that would have been too easy, and it would have taken a lot of the fun out of life. It’s exciting to have challenges and to have to stretch yourself to reach for a goal! Without something to shoot for, life would be empty and meaningless.
Don’t just exist from day to day, or try to do the minimum and just get by with doing as little as you possibly can. Put all you’ve got into whatever you’re doing-your studies, your friendships, and whatever other talents and interests you’re pursuing. If you put your heart into these things, they’ll be a lot more satisfying. Give it your best shot, and you’ll be amazed at what happens.


When gazing at yourself in the mirror, or at other times of self-inspection, you can tend to blow things out of proportion.
You feel others have it so much better in the way of looks, or qualities, or resilience, or personality, and on and on the list goes. But if you were to just step aside and let Me do the analyzing, and let Me teach you what you do need to change, then you’d feel much more relaxed. You could stop this self-effort of trying to make yourself a certain way, and being blown about with the ever-changing opinions and ideas of those in the world around you. Instead you could focus on what actually is needed, and the things you can and should improve in.
Gaze into My face instead of looking at your own reflection, and you’ll feel a lot better about yourself. I think you’re wonderful!

¿Por qué tantas dificultades?

Te preguntas: «¿Por qué, Señor? ¿Por qué tengo que pasar por tantos trances y penalidades? ¿Será que te estoy desagradando? Te amo. ¿Por qué tengo que sufrir estas vicisitudes?»
Muchos cristianos a lo largo de los siglos se han planteado lo mismo. En todos los casos Mi Espíritu estaba obrando en ellos. A menos que se volvieran débiles, Yo no podía hacerme fuerte en ellos. A menos que se quebrantaran, Yo no podía enseñarles a ser compasivos; no podía enseñarles la empatía, el sincero interés que les hacía falta tener por los demás. No podía concederles todos los hermosos dones de Mi Espíritu que traen aparejados los apuros y los quebrantos.
Por medio de esas aflicciones te estoy enseñando a luchar, no con tu propia fortaleza, sino con Mis fuerzas, valiéndote de la oración y acudiendo a Mí por cada cosa que se te presenta en la vida.

Sigamos en contacto

Ora y ora, una y otra vez. Me fascina. Lo deseo. Lo necesito. Me deleito en ello. Me agrada mantener una estrecha comunicación contigo para que seamos uno. Todas tus oraciones son importantes. Algunas tienen distintas finalidades, pero todas son importantes. No dejes, pues, de orar.
Deseo estar en constante comunicación contigo, mantener un vínculo continuo contigo. Recurre a todos los medios posibles y deja que Yo haga llover Mis riquezas espirituales. Todo lo Mío es tuyo. Te lo ofrezco gratuitamente de un pozo que nunca se seca. ¿Para qué conformarte con lo humano pudiendo tener lo divino? ¡Recibe Mi poder! Está a tu alcance, a tu entera disposición.

Pourquoi les épreuves ?

« Pourquoi Seigneur… ? te demandes-tu. Pourquoi dois-je passer par tant d’épreuves et de difficultés ? Y aurait-il en moi quelque chose qui Te déplaise ? Je T’aime ; pourquoi me faut-il endurer tout ça ? »
De nombreux chrétiens à travers les âges M’ont posé cette même question. Dans toutes leurs épreuves, c’était Mon Esprit qui opérait en eux; car il fallait qu’ils deviennent faibles pour que Ma force puisse se manifester en eux. Il fallait qu’ils soient brisés pour que Je puisse leur apprendre la compassion, leur donner l’empathie et la sollicitude nécessaire à l’égard des autres; pour que Je puisse leur accorder tous les merveilleux dons de Mon Esprit. Car seuls ceux qui ont connu de tels déchirements, de telles difficultés, sont à même de recevoir ces dons.
Par ces afflictions, Je t’apprends à lutter. Non pas de tes propres forces, mais avec Ma force, par le moyen de la prière et en gardant les yeux sur Moi en toute circonstance.

Bounce Back

Ever wonder how you can pull out of it when you’re feeling lousy and you seem to be getting a lot of flak? Or when you’ve been misunderstood and corrected for something that wasn’t your fault?
Why not take a tip from a basketball and bounce back? When you hit the ground … that’s right … just bounce back!
Don’t go flat. Keep flying high and stay in the game. Let ’em see that you’ve got what it takes. No matter what happens, keep on bouncing. The harder you’re thrown, the higher you can bounce! Don’t let some annoying incident deflate you. Stay in the game and bounce back.

Future Gotcha Puzzled?

I have a special destiny just for you. I know that might be kind of hard for you to imagine, because you sometimes feel worthless or awkward or untalented-even weird. But hang on.
You’ve got to have patience as you find your place in life. Life’s like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. If you’re patient and keep working at it, the picture begins to take shape-piece by piece, little by little.
I’ll help you to put together the pieces of the puzzle of your life. I designed this puzzle Myself, especially for you. Little by little, it’ll come together, and someday it’ll actually make sense-and more than that, it’ll be beautiful and you’ll be proud of it.

Groom Your Inner Self

Physical appearance has very little to do with true love. Have you ever noticed someone you consider very pretty or handsome get together with someone who seems at first glance to be rather plain? That’s because when it comes to true love, wise people choose those who have inner depth and charm. They recognize those who are beautiful on the inside-unselfish and caring, mature and loving.
If someone’s heart is empty, or filled with shallow clutter, then good looks aren’t going to get him or her very far. People might notice the best-looking people right away, but while first impressions are strong, once someone really gets to know you, those second impressions are much more lasting. Good looks can also fade, but your inner self is there to stay.
Even if you don’t think you’ve got “it” physically, you can sure have “it” inside. And that’s what matters most.

Extiende la mano hacia Mí

Extiende la mano hacia Mí en la mañana, en la tarde y en distintos momentos del día. Háblame a lo largo de la jornada. Ámame y alábame. No te alejes mucho. No permitas que los intervalos entre los momentos que pasas conmigo se prolonguen cada vez más. No pierdas contacto por un instante. Basta con una palabra, una mirada.
Reserva cada día un momento exclusivamente para nosotros. Un momento que puedas esperar con ilusión. Un momento en que puedas dar descanso a tu cuerpo y recostarte en Mis brazos. Un momento en que podamos hablar, en que podamos reír, en que podamos llorar. Lo que desees hacer o lo que desees decirme, dímelo. Estaré pendiente de ti. Te espero.

Ce poids qui t’écrase

Tu souffres dans ton cœur, Je le sais, et tu as l’impression que cette épreuve est plus que tu ne peux supporter. Mais, mon ami, jamais Je n’attendrai de toi plus que tu ne peux donner. Jamais, Je n’exigerai de toi une chose qui serait au dessus de tes forces. Quand c’en est trop, quand tu as l’impression d’être écrasé sous le poids du sacrifice, c’est à ce moment-là que Je te tends la main et que Je te relève. Que Je t’attire à Moi pour te donner la force et la foi.

Confusion Demolition Man

Confusion is like a wall. It starts off with a few bricks stacked only so high, but as questions and problems flood your mind, little by little the bricks add up, until you’ve got this big wall blocking your way and keeping you from thinking or seeing things clearly.
To get rid of this wall of confusion, dial Me up with a prayer. “Jesus, please clear this confusion from my mind. Can You tear down this wall for me?”
When I hear your call, I’ll respond quickly and efficiently. I’ll swing My demolition ball at that wall and send the confusion bricks crashing to the ground. As the first swing of My wrecking ball hits the wall, the light will come streaming in and you’ll start seeing past the confines of the wall that boxed you in.
You can give Me a call any time you need a wall of confusion brought to the ground. I’m your Confusion Demolition Man, and I’m on 24-hour duty.

Consult Your Beauty Specialist

There are times when you hear a voice telling you negative things about your body, and urging you to do drastic things to try to change it. That’s an evil voice, from the Devil. He wants to make you miserable.
You know how celebrities pay big money to have their own beauty and fitness specialists? Their specialists tell them how to care for their skin and their hair, what kind of workouts to do, what type of food they should eat, and so on. Well, I want to be your personal beauty specialist. I can teach you how to take the best possible care of your body and make your appearance all it can be, without doing anything that’s going to harm you.
If you’re researching stuff and trying to find the best diet or fitness plan for yourself, ask Me which ones are good for you and which aren’t, and I’ll show you. I’ll even give you specialized, personalized tips just for you-for free! Ask Me for them.
I love you and want you to be happy and healthy. I also want you to feel good about yourself.

Preencha o vazio

Quando a pessoa está com o coração vazio ela sente-se infeliz e insatisfeita. Deseja ser feliz e saciar a sua fome. Procura no mundo, vê o que existe de atraente e tenta preencher o seu vazio, mas não vê nem entende que para poder desfrutar ao máximo das Minhas promessas, precisa fazer a sua parte.
Para algumas pessoas isso não é fácil, pois acham que não vão encontrar felicidade dando suas vidas em sacrifício ou entregando-se totalmente a Mim. Não entendem como isso poderia fazê-las mais felizes ou preencher o vazio que sentem no coração.
Mas aqueles que se entregam totalmente por amor a Mim e em submissão ao Meu Espírito, dando a vida altruisticamente, experimentam as verdadeiras e incomparáveis alegrias e êxtases do Meu Espírito. Isso satisfaz o coração como nada mais pode satisfazer, supre a necessidade e sacia a fome. Mas a única maneira de sentir-se assim é entregando-se e submetendo-se a Mim.

A Bird’s-Eye View

When you feel like you’re in a muddle, don’t you sometimes wish that you could just grow wings and fly away like a bird? You can, you know. On the wings of prayer, you can soar way up high, above all the mess, the problems and the confusion.
You can’t necessarily escape your problems, but you can rise above them and see things from a different point of view.-A bird’s-eye view, just like when you’re in an airplane, and everything down on the ground seems so small-almost insignificant. I can give you spiritual wings that will carry you up above all the problems and help you to see them from the proper perspective.
The next time you’re in a big mess, or you’re feeling confused, or things just aren’t working out right, don’t let it frustrate you or drag you down. Flap your wings and take flight! Take some time to get quiet and pray, and you’ll rise above it all. Come up here with Me, way up above the trouble and the turbulence, where everything is beautiful and quiet and peaceful.

Light Up the World

It’s hard to smile sometimes. Do you feel you’re putting on a false front if you look happy and act happy when you don’t necessarily feel that way? Have you gotten the idea that to look cool or sexy you’ve got to appear a little hard and indifferent?
A smile is very powerful. A smile lights up the world that’s so full of darkness. It has creative energy, and it’s contagious. Even if you’re smiling just to cheer someone else up, it somehow cheers you up, too.
A gloomy face can be just as powerful in the opposite way. A long face not only causes you to be more dumpy and depressed yourself, but it brings others down as well.
Even if you don’t feel all good and happy, if you decide that you’re going to wear a smile no matter how you feel, I guarantee that you’ll begin to feel better almost immediately.

Un temps pour toute chose

Il y a mille façons de prier. Parfois, tu t’épancheras devant Moi avec force pleurs et en Me recherchant de tout ton cœur. D’autres fois, tu viendras à Moi dans le calme et la tranquillité, dans l’humilité, M’implorant tout doucement, chuchotant tes requêtes à Mon oreille.
D’autres fois encore, tu prieras une prière silencieuse en pleine action. Ou, au contraire, tu t’arrêteras et, mettant de côté tous tes soucis, tu M’invoqueras dans une prière ardente. Toutes ces formes de prière sont importantes et elles ont leur place.
Ce n’est pas tant la position du corps qui compte mais l’attitude du cœur. Que ta prière soit longue quand la situation l’exige ; qu’elle soit courte lorsque tu es pressé ! Il y a un moment pour tout et tu dois apprendre à tirer parti de ces deux façons de prier, selon les circonstances. Mais, que tes prières soient longues ou qu’elles soient courtes, l’important est que tu pries ! Appuie-toi sur la prière. Vis tes prières. Ne te lasse pas de prier.

Tesoros a tu disposición

Si bien llamo a todos con los brazos abiertos para que vengan y se entreguen a Mí, y así poder comunicarles amor, felicidad, ungimiento, satisfacción y fortaleza, son muy pocos los que optan por acercarse y darse por entero a Mí.
¡Ojalá te dieras cuenta! ¡Ojalá vieras lo que anhelo darte! ¡Cuánto ansío estrecharte en Mis brazos, volver realidad todos tus deseos y hacer estallar tu corazón de alegría, de forma que se desborde y derrame Mi amor sobre los demás! He ahí la verdadera felicidad y contentamiento.