When usual means fail…

When you've done all you can and exhausted your usual means of supply but still struggle to make ends meet, don't despair; I can provide by other means. When others fail in their financial responsibilities or you are adversely affected by their wrong or selfish decisions, don't despair; I remain true and will make up for their lacks. When disaster strikes and unforeseen bills follow, don't despair; I'll pick up where your insurance policy leaves off. When the economy is tight and jobs are scarce, don't despair; I am able to supply even in impossible circumstances.
"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you" (Matthew 7:7). That is a promise I made long ago, and it still holds true. Tell Me your needs, ask Me to supply them. Do your part—the asking, seeking, and knocking—and I will do Mine.
When you find yourself in a financial bind and don't know how to get yourself out of it, let Me get you out of it. I can supply for My children by the most unexpected and unconventional means, and I delight in doing so because I love them. It also helps them appreciate Me more when I supply, and I like that part too.

You don't have to be perfect

A lot of people don't pray until they're in some sort of trouble, and then they find they don't have the kind of faith that gets results. Their faith is weak because it's been so long since they last exercised it, and they feel their relationship with Me is strained because they didn't place much importance on it before trouble struck. They feel hypocritical or undeserving, and don't know where to start in making things right.
It is much easier to pray full-of-faith prayers when you have a history of praying and receiving My answers, when you feel close to Me because you've opened your heart to Me day by day, and when you know you've done your best to please Me. But even if you don't meet those conditions, there's hope. You don't have to be perfect for Me to answer your prayers. I help all who call on Me in faith and humble desperation.
Simply turn to Me in your time of need, get your heart right by confessing your faults and receiving My forgiveness, believe that I can perform the miracle you need, and I will. Best of all, this can be the start of a whole new life with Me in which you experience more answers to prayers and a greater closeness to Me.

Connect with Me

No matter what your circumstances or how you have handled them up till now, no matter what you have done or not done, I love you. I see your every tear. I hear your every cry for help. I feel your every heartache, your every sorrow, your every frustration, your every worry. I know your every desire. I see straight through to your heart of hearts and all that is in it, and I love you more deeply than you can possibly comprehend.
I see your struggles and I want to help. Life is often a struggle, but it is made so much easier when you spiritually connect with Me. I have all the love and comfort and peace and solutions you seek. I am right here at your side, waiting patiently for you to reach out to Me so I can relieve your troubled mind, dry your tears, and show you how much I love you.

I understand everything

I am so in love with you that I overlook all your faults and failures. I am blind with love—love that sees beyond your shortcomings and mistakes, love that only sees the good and the possibilities that others do not recognize.
I do not have a great big stick standing by, ready to wallop you at your slightest failing. I do not stand ready and waiting for you to trip and fall that I may whack you back in line. How could I? For I, too, walked in your shoes. I, too, took on the cloak of human flesh that I might know and feel and understand everything about you. I know the frustrations you feel, your every longing, the incapability of your human flesh, and even your secret sins. I feel your humanness, and because of this, I have promised that I will have mercy upon you. My thoughts toward you are thoughts of peace, forgiveness, long-suffering and compassion.

Greater than the ocean

My eye has been upon you since before you were formed in the womb. I have been with you every step of the way. I have watched you. I have loved you. I have cared for you. You have never been out of My sight.
How I long to pour My love upon you! How I long to draw you to My bosom! If you will take time with Me in prayer, and listen to My voice in your heart and through My Word, I will show you My great, great love for you—love which is greater than the ocean, which stretches further than the horizon, which the whole universe with all its stars and galaxies cannot contain, which reaches out of understanding into infinity and eternity.

Je comprends tout

Je suis amoureux de toi, à tel point que J’ignore toutes tes fautes, tous tes échecs. Je suis aveuglé par l’amour — un amour qui, par-delà tes faiblesses et tes défauts, ne voit que le bien et les possibilités que les autres ne savent pas reconnaître.
Je ne tiens pas un gourdin à portée de main, pour te frapper au moindre faux-pas. Je n’attends pas non plus que tu trébuches ou que tu tombes pour qu’à coups de bâtons Je te fasse rentrer dans le rang. Comment le pourrais-Je ? Moi aussi, Je suis passé par là. Je me suis revêtu de chair humaine pour expérimenter, pour ressentir et comprendre tout ce qui fait ta vie. Je connais tes frustrations, tes désirs les plus profonds, les limites de ta chair humaine et même tes péchés secrets. Je ressens ton humanité et, à cause de cela, comme Je l’ai promis, Je te ferai miséricorde. Mes pensées envers toi sont des pensées de paix, de pardon, de longanimité et de compassion.

De quelles fautes au juste s’agit-il ?

Ne Me parle pas de tes fautes. Sinon Je te répondrai : de quelles fautes au juste s’agit-il ? De quels défauts ? De quels manquements ? Ne ramène pas toujours le passé, car pour Moi, il n’y a pas de passé. Je suis incapable de dire si tu as des fautes ou des faiblesses, vu qu’en ce moment Je ne les vois pas. Quand Je te regarde, quand J’examine ton cœur, tes faiblesses n’existent plus devant Moi. Elles s’évanouissent à cause de Mon grand amour pour toi, lequel éclipse tout le reste. Alors n’essaie même pas de Me dire à quel point tu es mauvais, parce que ça ne marchera pas. Je t’aime trop pour ça.
Plus on pardonne à quelqu’un, plus il aura d’amour. Et plus il apprendra à tirer les leçons de ses fautes passées et à pardonner aux autres. Son regard accusateur se changera en regard d’amour et de miséricorde, car il se rappellera combien on lui a pardonné. Il aura reçu un nouveau souffle de vie, une nouvelle perspective, une nouvelle vision.
Un amour sans limites
J’aimerais t’apprendre à aimer davantage. J’aimerais t’ouvrir les yeux et te faire découvrir l’amour inconditionnel. Pour que tu puisses le vivre, le mettre en pratique et apprendre à aimer les autres de cet amour-là.
J’aimerais dès à présent que tu regardes chaque personne comme Je la regarde : avec un amour infini, incommensurable, un amour qui dépasse toute compréhension, un amour qui pardonne et qui comprend, un amour inconditionnel. Afin que tu apprennes à aimer comme tu es aimé.
Apprends à aimer les autres de Mon amour — cet amour qui t’a soutenu dans bien des situations difficiles, cet amour qui t’a donné la force d’aller de l’avant, de pardonner, cet amour qui t’a permis d’ouvrir ton cœur.

¿Vale la pena?

Quieres entrañablemente a tu pequeño, pero a veces te preguntas: «¿Qué fue de mis sueños y de la carrera que tenía pensado seguir? ¿Qué fue de mi vida? Aquí estoy trabajando día y noche, dando de comer al bebé, lavando pilas y pilas de ropa, haciendo compras, limpiando, procurando que sea feliz y haciéndolo sentirse querido. ¿Acabará alguna vez todo este trajín?»
Cuando te sientas agobiada, pasa unos momentos a solas conmigo, aunque no sea más que un minuto. Ve a la ventana, toma una profunda bocanada de aire puro y pídeme que te ayude a ver las cosas objetivamente. Luego observa a tu pequeño. ¡Qué alegría te causa! ¡Qué privilegio poder decir que ese cascabel lleno de amor y energías es tuyo! Cuando te echa los brazos al cuello y te dice: «¡Te quiero, mami!», te das cuenta de que toda tu labor vale la pena. No cambiarías eso ni por todo el mundo, ¿verdad? Yo sabía que era así.
Cuando los chicos se meten en líos
Comprendo el quebranto de los padres cuyos hijos tropiezan, se descarrían, se juntan con malas compañías o toman otras decisiones erróneas. Entiendo la angustia que les provoca el querer ayudarlos y guiarlos y sentirse desairados. Lo entiendo porque a Mí me pasa lo mismo cuando veo a muchos de Mis hijos descarriarse y ocasionarse a sí mismos y a los demás dificultades y sufrimientos innecesarios.
He oído tus plegarias por tus hijos. Al igual que tú, Yo siempre los voy a querer y nunca los voy a abandonar. No dejes de orar por ellos. Confíamelos. Les hablaré al corazón en un tono en el que tú nunca podrías. Manifiéstales amor pero no trates de sobrellevar por tu cuenta la carga de sus contrariedades. Encomiéndamela a Mí. Déjame llevarla. Despreocúpate: Yo me encargaré de resolver sus problemas. Puede que de todos modos no terminen siendo lo que tú esperabas que fueran, pues mucho depende de lo que ellos decidan. Pero nunca está de más orar por ellos. Si eres fiel y constante en la oración, tendrás la certeza de haber hecho todo lo que podías por ayudarlos.

My Love for You is Complete

Have you ever thought about the word "love" and all it encompasses? There are many different kinds of love—many facets of love.
There is the unconditional love that a mother feels for her children, and the love and respect that children feel for their parents.
There is the kinship love that brothers and sisters feel for each other, or the friendship love that you feel for your best friend.
There is the love and appreciation that a student or athlete feels for his teacher or coach who helps him to become a better person or player.
There is a love that a man feels for a woman, which makes him want to marry her and live with her day in and day out and protect and provide for her. And there is the love that a woman has for a man, which makes her want to bear his children and love and care for their family.
My love for you is all this and more. My love for you is complete, for I am love. I give each person a measure of My love, but My love is immeasurable and limitless. I love you with a perfect and everlasting love that will never be taken away.


Let Me Touch You

When I walked the earth many, many years ago, I went about doing good to all who crossed My path. I healed the sick, comforted the brokenhearted, lifted the spirits of those who were discouraged, and strengthened those who felt weak. And My love and power are the same today! I still long to touch and heal the bodies of those who suffer, and I still long to encourage the hearts of those who stoop under heavy burdens or go through difficult times. Since returning to Heaven I have touched many who lifted their hearts to Me and told Me their needs, and I want to do the same for you.
All it takes on your part is faith. You simply have to believe that I, the Great Physician, can still touch and make you whole. I am just a prayer away. Tell Me about your troubles, your fears, your worries, and ask Me to help and heal you. Sometimes healing the body takes a while—I know the best time—but the healing of your heart, the gifts of peace in place of turmoil and faith in place of fear, I can give in an instant. It is something that you can't understand with your mind, but when you ask in faith and it happens, you will know that I have touched you.

My Miracle-Working Power is Yours

I have promised miracles to those who love and follow Me, and I can deliver on that promise. My power is limit­less. According to your need and the situation, I will do wondrous things for you and through you.
In order to see these manifestations of My power, only one thing is required of you: faith. You must believe that I am able to work the miracle and ask Me to do it, and then expect that I will. When you ask in faith, I am bound by My word to give you what you need. It might not always be what you think you need, but I will always rescue, protect, supply for you, or resolve the problem some other way, as I know is best. Sometimes it will be an overt miracle, where there is no doubt that I have answered your prayer, but other times it won't be so obvious.
I manifest My power most freely on behalf of those who follow Me closest, who do their best to live according to the principles of My Word and what they believe is My will for them personally, but anyone who calls on Me in faith will get the help they need, according to My will.
Remember this when the days darken and you find yourself in what seem like hopeless situations: Nothing is impossible for Me, so anything is possible for you when you ask in faith for Me to intervene. I always reward faith, My power is always at the ready, and I put Myself at your beck and call—all because I love you.

Prayer is communication

Think about this: How would you feel if you never received any communications from the person you loved? Wouldn't you feel left out? How would you feel if you never received a love letter from the one who was dearest to you, not even a quick note? Or how would you feel if you went about your entire day and your spouse hardly said one word to you?
When I don't receive any word from you, it breaks My heart. It makes Me wonder if you really care and if you need Me. Communicate and do not forget Me, for with such sacrifices I am well pleased. Prayer is communication.

El premio del amor

El amor y los desvelos que prodigaste a tus hijos y las plegarias que rezaste por ellos no quedarán sin gratificación. Cada pañal que cambiaste, cada vez que los aseaste, cada enseñanza que les impartiste, cada error que les perdonaste, cada lágrima que derramaste, cada palabra de ánimo que les dijiste, cada beso, cada abrazo, cada sacrificio, cada oración, todo eso contribuye a hacer de ellos unas criaturas de las que te enorgulleces.
Aunque puede que no siempre lo expresen ni lo den a entender por medio de sus actos, están orgullosos de tener una madre como tú. No logran entender cómo puedes seguir amándolos cuando les parece que menos lo merecen. Así y todo, lo desean, lo aprecian y saben que lo necesitan. Te agradezco que, al dar ejemplo de Mi amor incondicional, los hagas sentirse así de amados.
Estoy orgulloso de ti por el amor que manifiestas y los sacrificios que haces para educar y formar a tus hijos y cuidarlos como es debido. Bien, buena madre y fiel. Grande es tu galardón en los Cielos.

Les roues du progrès

Il y a des cycles dans la vie, des moments où apparemment les choses vont bien, d’autres où tout va mal. Dans chacune de ces phases, Je veux que tu apprennes à t’accrocher à Moi.
Les problèmes t’obligent à exercer ta foi car tu dois y faire face, ce qui t’amène à la phase suivante du cycle : tu M’appelles à l’aide, tu te bats, tu triomphes et tu fais des progrès. C’est comme une roue qui tourne : en même temps que le haut de la roue redescend, le bas remonte et la roue te fait avancer.
Chaque fois que tu affrontes une nouvelle épreuve, il te faut reprendre le combat. Tu relèves le défi, tu M’appelles à l’aide et, une fois de plus, tu triomphes et tu vas de l’avant. De nouvelles épreuves entraînent de nouvelles victoires. Mais si, à un moment quelconque, tu oublies de te tourner vers Moi pour obtenir la solution et trouver la force de te battre jusqu’à la victoire, le cycle est interrompu. Tu demeures en bas et il n’y a plus de mouvement en avant; tu ne vas nulle part.
Donc, au lieu de considérer les moments de crise comme des défaites, vois-les plutôt comme des occasions de progrès. Je sais qu’il est souvent difficile de passer par ces cycles, mais il le faut pour qu’il y ait progrès. Alors, tiens bon !

Millions of Questions

Sometimes you feel like you and your life are one big question mark. You have questions about everything.What is life for, anyway? Why live? Why love? Why learn? Why strive for anything? Why, why, why?
Well, I can match every question mark that exists with either a period or an exclamation point. I have reasons and answers for everything.
I don’t immediately put an end to all your question marks. It takes time. It’s good for you not to know the answers to everything right now. It’s part of life. It teaches you patience and faith.
I answer some questions right away, and others I don’t answer just yet. But I promise you, I’m saving up your questions, and one day we’re going to sit down together and have a good, long chat. I’m going to pull out every one of your question marks from the past and I’m going to match each of them up with one of My periods or exclamation points-the perfect answer for each question. The because for every single why.